NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 6 - Two Stories About Flying:


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 6 - Two Stories About Flying:

Exercise 1:

1.     The story revolves around the possibility of human flight and the desire to fly like a bird.

2.     'I Believe I Can Fly' is the first story, and 'Black Aeroplane' is the second story.

3.     (a) The 'Black Aeroplane' is a symbol of death and destruction. It represents war and the fear it brings.

(b) The 'Black Aeroplane' is a metaphorical representation of the devil.

4.     The author's father is an open-minded person who encourages his son's dreams and supports him in his pursuits.

5.     The narrator's father tells him stories about angels and the possibility of flying, which sparks his imagination and fuels his desire to fly.

Exercise 2:

1.     The narrator of the story 'I Believe I Can Fly' is a young boy who dreams of flying.

2.     The narrator of the story 'Black Aeroplane' is an adult who recounts his childhood memories of an eerie encounter with a mysterious black aeroplane.

3.     The first story is set in the narrator's village and surrounding areas, while the second story is set in the narrator's childhood home and its surroundings.

4.     The narrator in 'I Believe I Can Fly' is determined to fly and tries various methods, including using his imagination and building wings.

5.     The narrator in 'Black Aeroplane' encounters a strange black aeroplane that passes over his house at night. The plane emits a green light, and the narrator experiences a feeling of terror.

Exercise 3:

1.     The narrator in 'I Believe I Can Fly' believes that the power of imagination is essential for achieving great things.

2.     The narrator in 'Black Aeroplane' realizes the fleeting nature of life and the presence of evil in the world.

3.     In 'I Believe I Can Fly,' the narrator's father supports and encourages his son's dreams of flying.

4.     In 'Black Aeroplane,' the narrator's mother is depicted as a caring and protective figure.

5.     Both stories explore themes of imagination, dreams, and the pursuit of the unknown.

Exercise 4:

1.     In 'I Believe I Can Fly,' the narrator's father tells him stories about angels and encourages him to believe in his dreams.

2.     In 'Black Aeroplane,' the narrator's mother tries to comfort him after his terrifying encounter with the black aeroplane.

3.     The two stories differ in their overall tone and mood. 'I Believe I Can Fly' is hopeful and optimistic, while 'Black Aeroplane' is eerie and unsettling.

4.     'I Believe I Can Fly' emphasizes the power of imagination and the belief in oneself, while 'Black Aeroplane' highlights the presence of evil and the fragility of life.

5.     Both stories explore the theme of flight, albeit in different ways. 'I Believe I Can Fly' focuses on the human desire to fly, while 'Black Aeroplane' uses flight as a symbol of fear and danger.


Page No 36:

 Question 1: The young seagull was afraid to fly because it was its first flight. It was unsure and lacked confidence in its ability to fly. While it's possible that some young birds may be more timid than others, it's not necessarily true for all birds. Some birds may have a natural instinct and confidence to fly from the beginning. Similarly, a human baby may find it challenging to take its first steps due to fear or uncertainty, but this can vary from baby to baby.

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Question 2: When it says, "The sight of the food maddened him," it suggests that the young seagull was driven by a strong desire and hunger for food. The hunger and anticipation of getting food compelled the young seagull to finally overcome its fear and make its first flight. The intensity of its hunger overpowered its fear of the vast sea below, leading it to take the plunge and fly.

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Question 3: The seagull's father and mother threatened and cajoled him to fly because they wanted him to overcome his fear and learn how to fly. They understood that flying was essential for the seagull's survival and independence. By beckoning and calling shrilly, they were trying to motivate and encourage the young seagull to leave its comfort zone and embrace the natural ability to fly.

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Question 4: This question prompts personal reflection and discussion. Each individual may have different experiences where their parents encouraged them to do something they were initially afraid of. It could be learning to swim, riding a bicycle, or performing on stage. The purpose of this question is to engage in a conversation about personal experiences and how parental support and encouragement can help overcome fear and achieve personal growth.

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Question 5: This question also requires personal reflection and discussion. The experiences mentioned in the previous question may not guarantee success. Trying something new always carries the possibility of failure. However, the act of trying, regardless of the outcome, is important for personal development and learning. It helps build resilience, confidence, and the willingness to take risks, which are valuable qualities for growth and success.

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Question 1: The risk mentioned here is flying through the black storm clouds. The narrator takes this risk because he is eager to reach home and spend his holiday with his family. He is willing to face the potential dangers and challenges of flying through the storm to fulfill his desire to be with his loved ones.

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 Question 2: As the narrator flew the airplane into the storm, he experienced complete darkness. He couldn't see anything outside the plane. The plane jumped and twisted in the air, making it difficult to control. His compass and other instruments stopped working, leaving him without navigational aids. However, he unexpectedly saw another airplane and followed its pilot, who guided him through the storm. Eventually, he emerged from the clouds and safely landed his plane.

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Question 3: The narrator says, "I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota…" because he had a terrifying and challenging experience flying through the storm. The airplane's erratic movements, loss of instruments, and the darkness of the storm made it a harrowing journey. The narrator was relieved and grateful to have landed safely, so he felt no attachment or sentimentality towards the plane he flew.

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Question 4: The woman in the control center looked at the narrator strangely when he asked about the other pilot because there was no other plane visible on the radar or in the storm. The woman could only see the narrator's plane on the radar, indicating that there was no other aircraft present during the storm. The narrator's claim of seeing another pilot puzzled and confused the woman.

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Question 5: The identity of the entity that helped the narrator to reach safely is open to interpretation. It could be speculated that the narrator's own skills, intuition, and determination played a crucial role in navigating through the storm. The absence of any other plane on the radar and the woman's denial of another pilot's presence suggest that the narrator might have relied on his own abilities to overcome the challenges and reach his destination safely.

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Question 2: Column A Column B

  1. Fly a flag - Display a flag on a long pole
  2. Fly into rage - Become suddenly very angry
  3. Fly along - Move quickly/suddenly
  4. Fly high - Be successful
  5. Fly the coop - Escape from a place

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Question 3: The words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as 'fly' are: swoop, flit, flutter, ascend, ride, skim, dart, hover, glide, descend, soar, shoot, sail, and flap.

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 Question 2: Here are the meanings of the word 'black' in the given sentences:

  1. Go and have a bath; your hands and face are absolutely black - It means that the hands and face are covered with dirt or soot.
  2. The taxi-driver gave Ratan a black look as he crossed the road when the traffic light was green - It means the taxi-driver gave Ratan an angry or disapproving look.
  3. The bombardment of Hiroshima is one of the blackest crimes against humanity - It means that the bombardment of Hiroshima is one of the darkest and most morally reprehensible crimes against humanity.
  4. Very few people enjoy Harold Pinter's black comedy - It means that very few people enjoy Harold Pinter's dark and often cynical comedy.
  5. Sometimes shopkeepers store essential goods to create false scarcity and then sell these in black - It means that shopkeepers sell essential goods illegally and clandestinely at a higher price in the black market.
  6. Villagers had beaten the criminal black and blue - It means that the villagers had beaten the criminal severely, causing bruising or injuries.