List of important Chapters for Class X CBSE boards for all subjects
List of important Chapters for Class X CBSE boards for all subjects
- Real Numbers
- Polynomials
- Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Quadratic Equations
- Arithmetic Progressions
- Triangles
- Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Circles
- Constructions
- Areas Related to Circles
- Surface Areas and Volumes
- Statistics
- Probability
- Chemical Reactions and Equations
- Acids, Bases and Salts
- Metals and Non-metals
- Carbon and its Compounds
- Periodic Classification of Elements
- Life Processes
- Control and Coordination
- How do Organisms Reproduce?
- Heredity and Evolution
- Light – Reflection and Refraction
- Human Eye and Colourful World
- Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
- Sources of Energy
- Our Environment
- Management of Natural Resources
Social Science
- The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- Nationalism in India
- The Making of a Global World
- The Age of Industrialisation
- Print Culture and the Modern World
- Power Sharing
- Federalism
- Democracy and Diversity
- Gender, Religion and Caste
- Popular Struggles and Movements
- Challenges to Democracy
- The Story of Village Palampur
- Money and Credit
- Globalisation and the Indian Economy
- Consumer Rights
English Language and Literature
- Reading Comprehension
- Writing Skills and Grammar
- Literature – Fiction
- Literature – Drama
- Literature – Poetry
Hindi Language and Literature
- अपठित गद्यांश
- लेखन कौशल
- संचयन भाग-1
- कृषि विज्ञान
- साहित्यिक गद्यांश
- संचयन भाग-2
- साहित्यिक गद्यांश
- व्याकरण
- साहित्यिक गद्यांश
- अलंकार
I hope this helps!
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